Your website as a marketing tool

Your website as a marketing tool. Websites that score high in the search engines and lead to extra clicks…

Why do you have a website?

Because your competitor also has one and you want one that is more beautiful? Or because you realise that among those millions of online visitors, there are also potential customers for your company?

The second? Then we need to sit down together. Because we build websites that score high in the search engines and lead to extra clicks with your visitors.

Search engine friendly

We build your website from the code to a site that automatically scores high in the search engines. Whatever you put on it. Moreover, we think along with you about the right content to further improve your ranking.

Step 1: analysis of the search behaviour of your potential online customers.
Step 2: structure based on those word combinations.
Step 3: development and design in function of the search engines, and tailored to your wishes.
Step 4: strong content that convinces and encourages action.
Simple CMS system

Of course, the content of your website changes regularly. That should be: new products or promotions, different focus, … It would be crazy if you had to call us for all those small changes.

That’s why we build your website on the simple WordPress platform. Exactly like about a quarter of all sites worldwide. That system is so simple that you can easily adapt and adjust your content.


More and more visitors are viewing your site on their tablet or smartphone. They too, of course, want a full surfing experience. Moreover, Google favours websites that work well on mobile devices. So you have every reason to create a “responsive” website. Fortunately, that’s the only kind we design.


A website without an analysis architecture is like a football game without a scoreboard: it is impossible to know if you have scored. That’s why we always integrate Google Analytics into your site. This way you get real-time reports tailored to your needs.