Higher in Google

Higher in Google with your website, provides several advantages. So why not consider it, huh? There are still some ignorant entrepreneurs who don’t know how this works. First, what do you want? Free or paid?   “Free, of course!” I thought…

Higher in Google in a free way

To rank your website high in search engines for free, you need to write blogs. Period. With blogs on your website you will appear in certain search queries.

Higher in GoogleThat’s how you start:


  1. Make a list of your potential client’s pain points for which you have the solution
  2. Make a list of questions your target group asks themselves
  3. Turn these two lists into different titles
  4. Write one blog post per title
  5. Use subheads to keep it clear


If your target group has pain points, he’ll look them up. How would you be? The same goes for the list of questions they ask themselves. Everyone looks them up too.

Google is our best friend! Make sure your blogs are at the top of Google for certain searches. “How?”

Make your blogs SEO friendly.

What is SEO?

SEO is the abbreviation of Search Engine Optimization. Google has some requirements in its algorithm that will put you at the top of search engines. By optimizing certain factors, you will automatically be at the top of Google.

“And now in Dutch! What should I pay attention to when writing a blog?”


  • schrijf vooral voor je doelgroep in een heldere en duidelijke taal zodat ze je volledige blog lezen!
  • Eindig je blog met een call-to-action, een actie die je doelgroep kan doen. Bv. “More info here
  • Use a title on which your target group is searching. E.g. “How to get higher in Google” would be entered by my potential customer.
  • Use in the beginning of your text enough long-tail-keywords (keywords on which you want to be found, like: higher in google) The more specific the better, don’t exaggerate, Google punishes quickly!
  • Give each image in your blog a name, so save it to your computer under a clear name/description. For example, Google will know that your image is about a tree and not ‘sdkfhkqjshlfjd.jpg’. Add the image and write this name under the ‘alt text’ as well.
  • Write especially for your target group in a clear and unambiguous language so they can read your entire blog!
    End your blog with a call-to-action, an action your target group can do. E.g. “Request your blog subscription now”.
  • Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)


So this is what it looks like:

A strong title and meta description

Such a blog is online, but is not completely finished. You need a strong title and a good meta description. Then you’re really going to get pissed! If my potential client sees me more and more, who do you think he’s buying from? From me or my competitor he’s never seen before?

Bon. That aside. The advantages besides scoring higher in Google, you’ll soon find out.

A little further on… Your meta description must also be powerful. Make sure your long-tail-keyword appears in the beginning of the meta description. On the picture you see: “A good LinkedIn post makes you famous…” So ‘A good LinkedIn post’ is my long-tail-keyword for this blog post. That’s why I used it in the title. Your long-tail-keyword is the search query your target group enters.

If you are wondering why there are such rules with keywords etc… Search engines need to know what each search result is about.

That is why it is important to write your blogs clearly. No jargon but as clear as possible. Visitors should read your blog completely, this way Google understands that your blog is interesting and automatically rank you higher than your competitor.

Ah yes, what do you think? Google doesn’t want you to go to Bing, does it? So it puts the best websites at the top!

And if you look closely at the picture, you’ll see ‘ad’ in front of the web address at the first link. Such search results are paying ads. And that brings us to the next option to rank higher in Google.

Higher in Google by a paying option

Higher in Google? Rank your website high by paying Google. Google Ads is an advertising service that lets you rank your search results high by paying Google.

So you don’t have to work your way up through blogs, because Google automatically does this for you. As you can see in the picture, you recognize the paying search results by their ‘Adv’ or ‘Advertisement’ for the url of a website.

In Google Ads you choose certain keywords on which you want to be found and you can choose how you want to make the payment. For example, you have the possibility to pay per click.

But huh? Why get started with Google Ads if you get out of bed an hour earlier every day and can write a blog based on what your target audience is looking for?

Higher in Google with your website, provides several advantages

Contact us for more info? Mail info@seobureau.be